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RHE and Wellbeing

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

Dr. Seuss


Our vision is to nurture self-confident and self-aware pupils who are ready to succeed in secondary school.

Click the image below for a one page overview of RHE and Wellbeing 

What do the children learn and when?

Our wellbeing curriculum is all about the pupil’s personal development throughout their time at Penwortham. The relationships and health part of the curriculum (RHE) is taught in the classroom in our wellbeing sessions, science, P.E., computing, in the playground and also in our assemblies. If pupils require additional support, interventions by our ELSA team and Place2Be are offered. 

Please note - PSCHE (Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health education) has not been replaced with RHE.  

To find out more about our RHE curriculum, policy and consultation, please click this link.

Please click the image below to see our RHE progression map.

How do we teach RHE?

The Relationship and Health Education curriculum (RHE) is delivered alongside our school’s well-being offering. Since becoming statutory, we have reviewed our lesson structure to ensure it both meets the RHE objectives as well as the specific needs of each class.

In the classroom, well-being lessons are talk-based and are more informal than other lessons so as to encourage an open forum for discussion. Our lessons are underpinned by the JIGSAW program of study but are adapted to respond to the needs of the class. Termly well-being surveys are undertaken to ensure that the well-being needs are identified and these needs are then woven into the hourly well-being session each class enjoys.

The objectives of each session are delivered in a creative manner via: drama, discussion of scenarios, through talk partners, books, images, videos or even specialist presenters.

Pupils work together to deliver a collaborative activities which may include diamond 9’s, scaling activities, top tips and many other creative outcomes. These outcomes are shared in the class's own Well-being journey journal that features our strapline - It’s all about me and you. This is a scrapbook style book that will follow them all the way through the school so they can always refer back to any aspects of their Well-being learning if the need arises. It sits in the book corner. The book is also used by the SLT if a pupil needs to reflect on their behaviour choices.

Some aspects of the RHE curriculum are delivered in other subjects e.g. healthy eating in science and online safety in computing. To ensure all pupils understand that all subjects can support their well-being, stickers that feature the subject title and the strapline – ‘It’s all about me and you’ - are placed next to any well-being focused work.

For those children who have been identified as needing some additional support with an aspect of their wellbeing, a range of interventions and resources are available.  These interventions are delivered by trained staff from our ELSA team and also in partnership with Place2Be.


Pupil Leader

This year’s Well-being student leader is Josie. Here’s her message on why she wants to be a Wellbeing pupil leader.

“I want to be a Wellbeing pupil leader because I want to be able to help children with their mental health in and out of school. I also want people to now that they are a 100% not alone and I can share how I have coped through a lot of things and I found out the best strategies for me. Now I’m ready to help other children that feeling like they are in tricky situations.”

So far I have:

  • Met with the Wellbeing leads (Miss Birch and Miss Sanasi) to chat about the role
  • Shared ideas on what is working well in the playground and what could be improved

 I am also really looking forward to getting involved in mental health week too.

Our learning


Look at some of the brilliant work in our learning journals. We take different approaches to support the pupils understanding of themselves within our world.

These are child-led and demonstrate a snapshot of the lesson but more importantly, they share the important learning within the session. The journals are available in the classroom for any child to reflect back on, if needed. You will notice that as the children progress through the school they take more ownership of the content and the presentation of their wellbeing pages.

Year 1

Year 1 explore a very similar content to the rest of the school. It is always age and stage appropriate. How they share their output is also age and stage appropriate.

 “I’ve learnt how to be a good friend and it has helped me in the playground.” Year 1 pupil

Year 2

Year 2 had a big focus on the importance of marvellous mistakes, falling in the learning pit and how they link to great learning. All children experienced the learning pit and realised it was good to make a mistake. We work towards a positive growth mind-set every day. We linked our New Year’s resolutions to our growth mind-set too.

Year 3

Here, Year 3 linked their Wellbeing learning with PE and completed the activity outdoors. Understanding friendships is also very important as children grow and friendship circles are used to support friendship development.

Year 4

Year 4 show different techniques used to explore concepts about ‘you’ and ‘me’ e.g. use of diamond 9 to share thoughts and opinions

Year 5

Year 5’s used jam boards to identifying children’s opinions. They are a useful tool to reflect from. Scaling activities are also very useful to help children understand where they are now and where they want to get to.

Year 6

Year 6 – in all year groups we talk about our growth mind-set and how we can work towards always being in a positive growth mind-set. The words ‘yet’ are very important. QR codes are also used so we can develop our understanding of topics through drama or scenario recordings.

Useful Websites