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Wellbeing day

You can find information about supporting your child with any mental health or wellbeing issues here.

Well-being day volunteers: November 22nd 2019

We are looking for parent volunteers to support with this year's well-being day. Please complete the form below if you are able to help:


Monday 19th November 2018

 We hosted our second Wellbeing day in November and spent the day off timetable with planned activities along 6 themes: music, art, exercise, relaxation, mindfulness and visualisation. The day was a great success with a big part played by all of the parent volunteers who kindly gave up their time. This time, parents and volunteers offered a wide range of activities, including:

- Yoga

- Sensory play

- Interior design workshop

- Watercolour workshop

- Alexander Technique - Mindbodyfulness

- Board games 

- Music singing activities

- Percy the Therapy Dog

- Massage techniques

- Mindfulness stories

- Positive mental health session 


 We gathered feedback from parents, teachers and children. They were asked to describe our wellbeing day in one word. We used this to create the Wordle below:

The children also told us they felt better equipped to manage feelings of anxiety and stress. They said they would use breathing exercises, find a quiet activity to do or play with a friend outside.

 Spring 2018

Our first wellbeing day at Penwortham.