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 Our school uniform policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school;
  • Fosters a feeling of community and belonging;
  • Is practical and smart;
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of their appearance;
  • Sets a high standard of appearance for all, whilst clothing pupils in practical, cost-effective school wear.



Penwortham’s School Uniform is as flexible as possible and easily obtainable from many of the major high street outlets.  Uniform with our Penwortham School logo is currently only obtainable online from our uniform provider Stitch Design.  Please visit to register to enable you to place an order.


Our Uniform

Penwortham red school sweatshirt with our logo

OR a PLAIN red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan (no logos please)

Penwortham polo shirts with our logo


OR ~ ANY red or white polo shirt, T-shirt or white school shirt

Black or grey trousers / shorts, or for Early Years children tracksuit bottoms

Black or grey skirt

Red summer ‘school uniform’ dress from any major outlet

Sensible black shoes – please for health and safety reasons no pumps, flip-flops, open-toed sandals or Ugg boots. No trainers.

Stitch Design Uniform

Stitch Design was established in London over 20 years ago as suppliers of embroidered school uniform and operates from purpose-built premises offering a range of school uniform products and services. The service is designed to provide you with your uniform order within 3-5 days throughout the year. During peak demand time, for return to school in September, it is very advisable for you to order by the middle of August. Please see below for the latest uniform and sizes available through Stitch Design.

Red Sweatshirt Red Book Bag
Red Cardigan Red Backpack
White Polo Shirt Red Gym Top
Red Reversible Jacket Red Baseball Cap
Red Fleece Red Knitted Ski Hat
All above uniform is available in age sizes 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13.  Each garment is embroidered with the school owl logo, other than the PE kit which has the logo printed on the front.