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Article 12: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.


Because children learn better and are happier in school when their emotional needs are met.

What is ELSA support?

ELSA is an initiative designed to help schools increase their capacity to identify and support the emotional needs of children.  Staff are trained and supported by education psychologists to help them develop their knowledge and skills so that they can meet the needs of the children.

What might ELSA look like for my child/ren?

  • If you or the school have some concerns about the wellbeing of your child a referral will be made to the ELSA lead. If you are concerned, please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. 
  • Following this a meeting will be held with you, your child’s class teacher and a member of the ELSA team.  The outcome of this meeting will be an agreed plan of support with clear targets.  
  • Your child will then have six 1:1 sessions with their ELSA.  Each session will take place at the same time each week in the ELSA room and will last for around 45 minutes. 
  • At the end of the sessions a meeting will be held to review the plan and consider the current needs of your child.  
  • ELSA sessions will usually end at this point although for some children, additional sessions or alternative support may be agreed. 

Who is in our ELSA team?

What do our children say?

"ELSA really helped me when I needed it. We got to do lots of fun activities that helped me."     

"The ELSAs are really kind, fun and help us to feel safe if we feel sad or angry"