Digital Leaders at Penwortham
Article 13: You have the right to find things out and share your thoughts freely.
Article 19: You have the right to be protected from being hurt or mistreated.
Who are we?
Digital Leaders are a group of Year 5 students who have completed the Digital Leaders training so that they can help others to stay safe online.
What do we do?
We complete modules on how to stay safe online and who to trust. We go to a club every single Thursday to do things that benefit the school. For example, we create things for the Globe and go on the Digital Leaders website. We were visited by someone from a Childnet themselves: Charlotte, someone who used to go to our school when she was younger! We spoke to her about ideas to update the Digital Leaders programme.
How did we become Digital Leaders?
We had to fill in a form to say that we wanted to be a Digital Leader. It asked as why we would be good for the job and at the end Miss Berner and Miss Shipsey chose their Digital Leaders team.
How to stay safe online
You can stay safe online by never meeting up with people that you have only met online. Don’t give away any personal information like your name, age, address, school or anything else that could give away something private. Just remember, everyone online (unless you know them in real life) is a stranger. Have fun and STAY SAFE!!!
Digital Leaders News
Certificate of achievement!
This is to certify that we have gained e-safety knowledge in key online risks, responding in concerns, creating a kinder internet delivering a successful training session. When are now ready to deliver activities to are school as Digital Leaders. We are now qualified Digital Leaders! If you see us we will be around the school with a badge!
Digital Leaders impress at the Safer Internet Day conference 2024