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Coronavirus Updates

Covid-19 update – Autumn 2022

Asymptomatic testing is no longer expected in schools, and schools can't order free lateral flow tests.

Staff and pupils are advised to try to stay home if they have symptoms of a respiratory infection and a high temperature, or if they feel unwell (returning to school when they feel well enough, and no longer have a high temperature).

Those with a positive test result will be advised to try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people:

  • Staff for 5 days from after the day the test was taken
  • Pupils for 3 days from after the day the test was taken

 Guidelines for Visitors 


DfE Coronavirus helpline

The Department for Education has launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Current Advice for Schools

The Government is regularly updating its advice for schools which can be found by following this link. 

 Here is a poster summarising their advice.  

Advice for parents

The Government has translated their guidance for parents and carers with children in nursery, school, or college in the autumn term.

The guidance is now available in the following languages:

·         Arabic

·         Bengali

·         Chinese – traditional

·         Chinese – simplified

·         French

·         Gujarati

·         Polish

·         Portuguese

·         Punjabi

·         Romany

·         Somali

·         Turkish

·         Urdu


Talking to Children

Here is some advice about talking to your children about Coronavirus.