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Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before - George Couros


Our vision is for children at Penwortham to be creative, digitally literate and responsible digital citizens who know how to keep themselves safe online in a technologically advancing world.  

Please click on the image for information:


What do the children learn and when?

 Please click the link to see our progression map: 

Click the image below to see the children’s learning journey through the scheme of Teach Computing.

How do we teach computing?

At Penwortham, all teachers will teach computing on a weekly basis to years 1 - 6. The computing lessons at Penwortham are supported by the Teach Computing scheme, provided by the National Centre of Computing Education. Teachers then provide children with the opportunity to use the skills and confidence they have built within their computing lessons across the wider curriculum.  Computing lessons are practical and use a variety of resources such as VR headsets, smart robots, iPads, Chromebooks and Beebots.

In computing lessons, the children learn to use a range of software building on skills taught in the previous year group. During their time at Penwortham, they will have the chance to work with: Scratch, Garageband, Book Creator, Daisy the Dinosaur, Puppet Pals, Draw and Tell and iMovie

Online Safety

Our Computing curriculum places online Safety at its core. This is embedded into all Computing lessons and also taught explicitly by class teachers during Online Safety Afternoons, National Online Safety Day and our Wellbeing lessons. We use Project Evolve ( resources from the Education for a Connected World framework to ensure children become competent in staying safe in the followings areas:

  • Self image and identity
  • Online relationships
  • Online bullying
  • Online reputation
  • Managing online information
  • Copyright and ownership
  • Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
  • Privacy and Security

All stakeholders in our school (pupils, staff, parents, volunteers and governors) read and sign an Acceptable Use Policy linked to our Online Safety Policy.

We train pupils in Year 5 to become Digital Leaders, experts in Online Safety who contribute to teaching and learning through delivering workshops, creating podcasts, planning sessions and contributing to the school newsletter - The Globe.

Our learning

At Penwortham, we deliver computing throughout the curriculum.  It is effectively to enrich the provision and learning experience of our pupils.  


Year 6 - Jamboard

Year 5 - Google Slides


copy of samreen sadaf r e.pdf

Year 3 - Stop Motion

View one of our videos here


 More videos can be found here.

 WE ARE Curriculum Showcases

I loved coming into the school and taking part in some computing activities with my child.  It was lovely to see what they do at school and I am going to try some of the activities at home.

Click here to find out more about our WE ARE curriculum showcases.

What children say about Computing at Penwortham


“Being a student leader is a big responsibility that allows me to help other children learn more about computing and suggest different experiences for everyone” – Kevin 6LG

“Whilst being a student leader, we will be responsible in advising and ensuring all children are safe online and they know how to do the right thing” – Jubril 6H

“We are passionate about computing because there is technology everywhere and we can develop more experiences to help our future world!” – Selina 6LG

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